Applies to

  • Business
  • Enterprise


Who can use this capability

You must be a licensed sheetowneroradminto request a snapshot of your sheet.

Request a sheet snapshot

Request a snapshot when you need a recent backup copy of a sheet from a specific point in time.


  • Business
  • Enterprise


You must be a licensed sheetowneroradminto request a snapshot of your sheet.

  1. SelectFile>Activity Log.
  2. 调整Start DateandEnd Dateas needed.
  3. Navigate to the specific change and select请求一个快照.

You will receive the data from the sheet as an Excel file. The file contains data and comments only.

Conditional formatting, attachments, notifications, cell history, and any formulas incompatible with Excel (column formulas, @row, @cell, cross sheet formulas, etc.) are not supported.

You can submit one snapshot request at a time on any given sheet. When the first request is complete, you can file an additional request.

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