Applies to

Bridge by Smartsheet

更新你的下拉列Bridge workflows


  • Bridge by Smartsheet

Use Bridge to keep your dropdown column values in Smartsheet up to date as changes are made to your source values.

What you need to get started

  • A sheet
    • The sheet ID
    • A source column that contains the values for your dropdown list (in our example, the column is named Source Values)
    • A target column that Bridge can update (in our example, the column is named Dropdown)
  • Bridge
    • Smartsheet integration
    • Bridge workflow trigger:Smartsheet - When Column Values are Changed
    • Bridge workflow modules
      • Smartsheet - Get Sheet
      • Smartsheet - Update Column
      • Array Management - Extract Field from Array
  • Optional: A different source system of your choice

Getting started

To build this workflow in Bridge, authenticate the Smartsheet integration for your Bridge workspace.

Read the steps on how to set up the Smartsheet integration for Bridge.

While building your workflow, keep your sheet and your Bridge workflow open in two separate tabs. This will make navigating the build process easier!

Construct the basic workflow model

Before everything else, pull all the modules you need for the workflow.

  1. Create a new workflow in Bridge.
  2. In the workflow builder, use the panel to add three modules in this order:
    1 Smartsheet - Get Sheet
    2 Array Management - Extract Field from Array
    3 Smartsheet - Update Column
  3. Save the workflow.

This is what you should see in your workflow when you’re done:

Image of the workflow model

Set up the workflow trigger

After creating the basic workflow model, start setting up the workflow trigger.

  1. Select theTriggermodule.
  2. To open theIntegrationpanel in a new tab, in theIntegrationssection, select theIntegrations Page.
  3. Locate Smartsheet from the integration list.
    You can use the Connected option under the Bridge logo to get a list of only the integrations authenticated for that workspace.
  4. Expand theTriggersrow.
  5. To create a new trigger, selectAdd Trigger icon.
  6. Fill in the following fields:
    • Trigger Name:Create a custom label for your trigger.
    • Sheet ID:Paste the sheet ID for your source sheet (where we will pull values from).
    • Event Type:SelectWhen Column Values are Changed.
    • 列名or ID:Type the name of the Smartsheet column that will be the source of your dropdown values.
    • Select Workflow:Select the new workflow you just created from the dropdown list.
  7. SelectSave.
  8. Return to your workflow.
    If you want to return to the original tab, refresh the page to see the trigger.

Set up the workflow modules

Actions on a sheet trigger this workflow. Once this workflow detects the trigger(s), it performs the necessary actions on the same sheet. So we'll use the runtime (Run Log) data references from the trigger to fill out the Smartsheet modules.

Step 1: Set up the Get Sheet module

What does the Get Sheet module do?

The Get Sheet module pulls data from the sheet that triggered the workflow.

当得到表模块运行时,桥把年代heet data and pushes it into the workflow's Run Log as objects. Objects are items returned from APIs that contain values for fields pertaining to that object.

An array is a collection of objects with their corresponding fields. Here's an example of how an array of 13 rows from the Get Sheet module may appear in your Run Log, with the first row's details expanded:

Run Log of the Get Sheet module

  1. In theSheet IDfield, enter the value{{runtime.sheetID}}.
  2. Save the workflow.
  3. In your sheet, add a new value to the column containing your source values on any row.
  4. Save the sheet.

Step 2: Locate the data brought into the workflow

Return to Bridge to copy the data you need for theExtract Field from Arraymodule.

  1. Open theRun Log.
  2. Refresh theRun Logpanel.
  3. To see the breakdown of trigger and module steps of the workflow, expand the top entry.
  4. To see the data returned, expand theSmartsheet: Get Sheetrow.
  5. Expand the sheet row .
  6. Locate therowsentry.
    It’ll look like this:rows:Array[#].
  7. In the right side of the rows entry, selectThe Menu icon.
  8. SelectCopy data reference.

Step 3: Set up the Extract Field from Array module

What does the Extract Field from Array module do?

The Extract Field from Array module lets you pull values out of an array's objects. With this module, you can make a list of just the values from that field.

In the example you'll see in this article, Bridge will pull the Source Values value field. Bridge will extract all the values from the Source Values column in the sheet and will turn it into a list.

  1. To open the edit panel, select theExtract from Arraymodule.
  2. In theArrayfield, paste the data reference.
    It’ll be long and will start with{{.
  3. In theKeyfield, specify the column you want made into a list.
  4. When you specify the column you want to turn into a list, use this format:cells.[Column Name].value. For example:cells.Source Values.value.
  5. In theOutputfield, double-check ifArrayis selected.
  6. Save the workflow.
  7. In your sheet, add a new value to the column containing your source values on any row.
  8. Save the sheet.

Step 4: Update Column

What does the Update Column module do?

The Update Column module uses the list you’ve created to populate those values into the dropdown column's dropdown list in the column settings. Every time the workflow runs, Bridge will create the latest list and will update it for that column in the sheet.

  1. In theSheet IDfield, enter the value{{runtime.sheetID}}.
  2. Get thecolumn ID.
  3. Return to the edit panel for theUpdate Columnmodule.
  4. In theColumn IDfield, paste the data reference.
  5. In the列名field, type the name of the column that will contain your dropdown values.
  6. In theTypefield, selectDropdown (Single Select)orDropdown (Multi Select).
  7. In theValuesfield, insert the array created by theExtract Field from Arraymodule during the last run.
  8. Save the workflow.

To get the data reference for the Extract Field from Array module

  1. Open theRun Logpanel.
  2. To return to the Run List, selectAll Runs.
  3. Refresh theRun Log.
  4. Expand the latest run entry.
  5. Expand theArray Management: Extract Field from Arrayrow.
  6. On the right side of the results entry, selectThe Menu icon.
  7. SelectCopy data reference.
  8. Save the workflow.

Alternative options

You don’t have to use the same sheet or even Smartsheet to create your list of values. If you want to pull your dropdown list values from somewhere else, then the trigger and the first module of the workflow will be different according to your use case.

Here are some ideas on how you can customize this workflow:

  • Use a list from a different sheet’s column.This will require you to change the trigger to respond to a different sheet. You’ll also need to update theSheet IDandColumn IDfields on theUpdate Columnmodule.
  • Use a list from Resource Management or Brandfolder.You can respond to specific changes in Resource Management or Brandfolder to generate a list of values from that system instead. Replace the trigger with an appropriate trigger from one of those integrations. Then, replace theGet Sheetmodule with a module that will pull the data into the workflow.
  • Use a Schedule trigger.When you use this trigger, you won’t have to respond to changes at all as it’ll do the following for you:
    • Extract data and push it into your workflow, and
    • Update the dropdown list once a day, week, or month.
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