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The sheet owner and licensed collaborators with行政access to the sheet can hide a column to remove it from view while still keeping its content available in the sheet.

The sheet owner and licensed collaborators with行政access to the sheet can hide a column to remove it from view while still keeping its content available in the sheet.

Though this functionality isn't available for rows, you canapply a filterto the sheet to hide rows based on criteria they contain. The filter will impact only your view of the sheet and other collaborators can apply their own filters as needed.

Hiding is useful when your goal is to format the sheet such that it displays only the most relevant information. Hiding is not a security feature. While collaborators with编辑观众access won't be able to unhide the columns within Smartsheet, they canexport the sheetto Excel orsend it as an Excel attachmentand un-hide the columns from that program.

Hide a Column

To hide a single column, hover over the column name and then click the更多的More icon in column header图标。选择Hide Column从菜单中。

To hide multiple columns, hold down the [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Cmd] (Mac) key as you single-click on the header of each column you want to hide.然后单击更多的More icon in column header图标和选择Hide Column

Column menu expanded after clicking More on the column header

Unhide Columns

The sheet owner and Admins can unhide all columns by clicking the更多的More icon in column headericon in any header and selectingUnhide All Columns。Unhide a single column by click-and-dragging the double-bar (which represents a hidden column) in the column header.