再保险source Management


  • Smartsheet Advance Package


Who can use this capability?

You must be aprimary leadin Smartsheet Control Center and anadminin Resource Management to configure the integration.

再保险source Management for Control Center


  • Smartsheet Advance Package


Who can use this capability?

You must be aprimary leadin Smartsheet Control Center and anadminin Resource Management to configure the integration.

You can incorporate Resource Management by Smartsheet (Resource Management or RM in this article) into your Control Center managed solution. Adding Resource Management to your blueprint enables you to automatically connect a Control Center provisioned project sheet to a new or existing resourcing plan in再保险source Management by Smartsheet.

To configure Resource Management and Smartsheet Control Center:

  1. Check your RM and Smartsheet account authorizations.
  2. Link Control Center to your Resource Management account.
  3. 再保险view your intake sheet.
  4. Configure the blueprint(s).
  5. Create your Resource Management plan.

再保险view the details for each task below.

Things to know

  • Changing column names after you connect Resource Management to Control Center can break your deployment.

  • Global updates are unavailable for the integration between Resource Management and Smartsheet control center. To keep the two sources synchronized, all updates in Resource Management Project Settings will need to be updated manually after a project has been provisioned.

Check your RM and Smartsheet account authorizations

Ensure the Resource Management account you want to use for Control Center is authorized to use Smartsheet. The best practice is to use the same account you use for your primary lead in Control Center.

To learn more, readAuthorize Smartsheet and Resource Management accounts.

Link Control Center to your Resource Management account

  1. In Control Center, selectManage Program.
  2. Select theIntegrationstab.
  3. On theIntegrationstab, selectUpdate.
  4. In the dialog that appears, selectAllow Control Center.

If you need to change the name or email, or the organization name appears as not set:

  1. In a new browser tab, sign in to the RM account you want to use. Sign out of any other RM accounts you might have.
  2. On theIntegrationstab, selectUpdate.
  3. In the dialog that appears, selectAllow Control Center.

Link your template sheet to Resource Management

You can only link one template sheet to Resource Management.

  1. In Smartsheet, open the template sheet you want your resource plans to link to.
  2. Open the再保险source Management panel.
  3. Thenconnect the template sheet. You don’t have to connect all your projects, just the sheet.

Useplaceholdersin your project template sheets rather than specific contacts. Placeholders help with planning – and you can use Smartsheet automation to let resource managers know when you need a specific type of resource.

再保险view your intake sheet

再保险source plans created using Control Center use values from the intake sheet.

再保险view the intake sheet and ensure the column names match those listed below. These columns map to fields in your resource plan. Use matching column names between Resource Management and your intake sheet and make sure they deliver the same types of data.

  • Project name
  • Project description
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Project owner (optional, single select)
  • 再保险source Management resource plan URL
  • Any optional custom fields you’ve defined in Resource Management

Also, make sure any required columns have data in them. Required fields with no data in them can cause issues when you provision your project.

You can update the following columns on the intake sheet with information from the Resource Management plan when you provision your projects:

  • 再保险source Management status: This column displays the Project Type from Resource Management (Tentative, Confirmed, Internal)
  • Project URL: This column displays the URL to the resource plan. If a resource plan already exists, you can add it to the sheet. If there’s no resource plan, a new URL will be generated for you. Learn more about creating resource plansbelow.

Configure the blueprint(s)

You must configure each blueprint separately to create a resource plan and any associated Smartsheet assets.

  1. In Control Center, selectManage Programs > Blueprints.
  2. Select+ New Blueprintor an existing blueprint
  3. Scroll through the builder toBlueprint Components.
  4. Turn on the再保险source Management paneloption, and then selectNext.
  5. On the再保险source Plan Settingsscreen, select the columns on the intake sheet to use with Resource Management.
    • Optional: To change intake column mappings, select Edit Settings; then save your changes, and select Next. Changes made to the mapping affect any blueprints using the intake sheet.
  6. On theConnection Settingsscreen, select which sheet will appear in the Resource Management panel after you provision the project. Typically this is your project plan.
  7. Complete the blueprint builder as usual. Learn more aboutbuilding blueprints.

Create your Resource Management plan

Once everything’s configured, anyone can build a project plan for provisioning.

After you provision your project

If you have defined tasks and timelines in the project schedule sheet, build your plan in Resource Management after you provision your project.

Add a new project to the intake sheet. You might use a form to do this or add a row in the intake sheet.

  1. When you provision the project, Smartsheet will automatically create all your project assets, including the new empty resource plan.
  2. Open the sheet, review it, and adjust the plan as needed.
  3. Push the assigned resources to Resource Management using the panel. As you change team members or assignments in the Resource Management schedule, updates automatically sync back to the connected sheet.

Before you provision your project

If you’re working with estimates rather than defined tasks and resource allocation, create your resource plan before you provision your project. Smartsheet will provision the additional assets and link your existing resource plan to the project sheet. As you change team members or assignments in the Resource Management schedule, updates automatically sync back to the connected sheet.

Add a new project to the intake sheet. You might use a form to do this or add a row in the intake sheet.

  1. Create a new resource management project. Use the same project name, description, start date, and end date you entered in the intake sheet. Build your plan as usual.
  2. On the project page in Resource Management, select the URL in the address bar and copy it to the clipboard.
  3. Paste the URL in the project plan column in your intake sheet.
  4. When you provision the project, Smartsheet will automatically create all your project assets. Your resource plan will connect to the specified project sheet via the再保险source Management Panel.